Reed's(Mis)and other Adventures . . .
I wish my kitty liked me. As the proverbial saying goes, looks can be deceiving. The mama's shoving Ike's butt from behind to get this shot, AND I have red-eye that she's failed to correct before posting this. I guess she wanted everyone to see my sitting up like a big boy -- all by myself (well, and two pillows). Stay tuned; I just know she's going to put up a bunch of cheeseball X-mas shots with me in some stupid hat. Do all parents do this stuff?
.Wow. Haven't changed this since he was 15 months old. Nostalgia's making me leave the description here and simply add that he's three and three months these days. Time is the most hideous and wondrous of things.
I'm 15 months old. My mother is horrified and still wants her two-week-old back. I hope you enjoy the new look of my blog as well as my ever-burgeoning wit and wisdom. My posts have been infrequent, but I plan to change that. And yes, I always say that. After all, my syntax and diction, along with my picture-taking skills, are quickly improving. Unfortunately, I still haven't figured out how to arrange photos and text to my satisfaction.