I can't believe you're two, my little heart. Can't believe it. I wish SO badly I'd been able to see you this morning and wish you a very "happy birthday" -- I know you don't know the difference, but Mama does. This is one of those moments wherein it's very, very hard to work as I do, knowing I could be at home with you were things different. But they are not, so I will focus on the positive, knowing that one day I can explain to you why Mama was often gone as you grew up. And I hope you will be as proud of me as I am of you, knowing that everything I do, literally, is for the support and success of our family. Sleep is a small sacrifice for you. I did not go to bed last night as I slogged through dozens of papers so I could be with you this afternoon. It's been a long while since I did that, and I'm certainly feeling it now! But I've never had a better reason NOT to hit the hay. I hope you and Dada are having a wonderful dueling birthday, that he gave your bike this morning, and that he took pictures of you so I could share in the moment.
Ed, well, I know you don't really "care" about your birthday, especially since Reed "took" it over, but I DO know that you are excited because Reed is turning 2. You are a great father overall; you are so much closer to Reed than many fathers are to their children. He depends on you as much as he does me, and for that, you should be proud. These last two years have been probably been the biggest struggle of our lives, and we barely made it. I do love you, though I never say so, and I hope you have a memorable day with Reed today.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
She wants her planet back. Woolfy – “Shooting Stars” Funny how his voice in
this song made me think he was singing ratchet instead of rapture. I heard
2 years ago