Friday, November 2, 2007

Frog Butt, AKA Star Butt

Here are a few pics of me doing my favorite thing (second to eating). When I turn into Grump E. the Baby, the mama and dada pick me up and squish me into form. They often try to put me down so I can do it on my own in my bed, but I'm just not into it. I like to sleep on humans, thanks. They're a lot warmer than those cold sheets you people keep trying to make me lay on.


Unknown said...

I love it! And I have something for Mr. Grump E that might help him feel a bit better and maybe even help him tolerate a bed! It worked wonders on Kanan when he was Senor Fuss Bucket as we liked to call him. Call me when you have the time and lets make a date!


Unknown said...

This is pretty much the funniest blog I've read all week. You guys are hilarious. I bet he'll love reading this when he's older. Who am I kidding -- if he's your kid he'll probably be reading in two years. Geez.